Sunday, March 19, 2006

Tieing up some loose ends

Well for my second post of the day I'm going to finish up a post that I started last week. At the time my emotions were getting the best of me so I was unable to finish.

So now I'm going to finish off on my therapy appointment from last Mon. After the conversation about my past we touched briefly on what is happening in the now. He wanted to know how the meds were working for our youngest son. I told him how I perceived them to be working. But that the real issue was his tantrums.
So he gave me a suggestion to use the next time he threw a tantrum. He told me to put him in a big bear hug where he can't move his arms or legs. That way he can't hit anyone. Then calmly tell him that he will not be let go until he can talk in a normal voice with no yelling and no hitting.

We used that suggestion on Tue. night. I had to hold him for an hour. But he was fine for the rest of the day. We have only had to do that 3 times this week and each time is less than the last.

On Thu. I attended my first group therapy session. I must say that I like it a little more than I like individual therapy. I feel that it is easier to open up to a group than it is to an individual. Plus the group meetings are 2 hours, and every week. Unlike individual which is 1 hour and whenever I get lucky to get an opening. My next one in in 3 weeks.

Fri. I took the day off work so that I could attend an appointment for our youngest son with a counselor. We were told over the phone that it was to be adults only for the first appointment. Summer had a massage so I was the only person to attend. I got there and the counselor said that he is one of the very few that wants the child present on the first visit. So we talked a bit and he suggested the same thing that my Dr. did for the tantrums. He also told me that he is going to recomend us to a person that works in his office. This person attends IEP meetings with the parents and knows all the rights for parents, and makes sure that the schools follow through with what they are supposed to. He then gave me a list of numbers to call for parent student advocates. And a list of Attorneys that deal with schools not following through with the IEP's.
We are not saying that we are going to sue the school. But we will use this list as leverage to get them to follow through with what they say they will do. We're not going to be pushed around anymore. Time for the nice parents is over. They will follow through with their recommendations or there will be consequences for them.

And that's the rest of the story.


O272 said...

I like the bear hug idea. I would think it would be more effective if you did it rather than SR. Boys seem to respond better with their dads! Good luck, CH! :)

Confused Husband said...

It does seem to work better with me. The thing is that it needs to be handled as soon as the tantrums start. So at times I might be at work. The problem with that is Summer can't seem to hold him still. For a 5 year old he's pretty dam strong.

O272 said...

I understand - I can't hold my 20 month old still! ;)