Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm a Thief

Well the creative well is dry at the moment so I stole this from o272. Last night it was stealing from Michael tonight it's o. Lock me up in the nearest jail.

10 Favorites
1. Season: Duck Season!
2. Color: Black
3. Time: Bed time
4. Food: BBQ Ribs
5. Drink: Anything with alchohol but at the moment Smirnoff Ice
6. Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry's Caramel Sutra
7. Place: Lake Tahoe
8. Sport: Hunting
9. Actor: John Wayne
10. Actress: The chick from Walk the Line. Her name escapes me at the moment.

9 Currents
1. Feeling: Bored
2. Drink: Smirnoff Ice Green Apple flavor. About to start on the Appletini's and Komakazi's
3. Time: 8:06 pm
4. Show on TV: On demand menu
5. Mobile: I have no idea what this means.
6. Windows open: I hope none! It's cold outside!
7. Underwear: scooby Doo Boxer's
8. Clothes: Jeans and a Sportman's Warehouse T-Shirt
9. Thought: I'm really bored!

8 Firsts
1. Nickname: Don't remember
2. Kiss: My first girlfriend when I was 19
3. Crush: Firat day of kindergaden. I came home and told my mom that I was in love. I still remember her name. Clarissa
4. Best Friend: My wife. Don't have any friends besides her. Of course my Blogging friends.
5. Vehicle: 1974 Mustang II
6. Job: Round Table delivery driver. I made a ton of $$$ for an 18 year old
7. Date: After I graduated high school. I took my best friends sister to the Olive Garden. After the date was over I was to chicken to kiss her so I gave her a hug instead. Found out the next day that she was wanting me to do much more but I didn't know how to interperet her signals.
8. Pet: Brittney Spaniel named Lady. She was stolen when I was 2.

7 Lasts
1. Drink: Smirnoff Ice Black Cherry
2. Kiss: Summer came over and kissed me about 5 minutes ago.
3. Meal: Polish Sausage, Mac n Cheese and Tater tots
4. Web site: My other Blog
5. Movie: Under cover Brother
6. Phone call: Called my mom to tell her I was bored and was on my way over
7. TV Show: Extreme 4x4

6 Have You Evers
1. Broken the law: Many many times :D
2. Been drunk: Yes
3. Kissed someone you didn't know: Yes and no..
4. Been close to gunfire: Every time I go hunting
5. Skinny dipped: Yes. Got really sick because of it too. It was Cold in the middle of Jan.
6. Broken someone's heart: Yes

5 Things
1. You can hear right now: Oldest son doing dishes and Summer giving youngest son a bath
2. On your bed: Sheets, blankets, pillows, Laundry
3. You ate today: 2 meetball sandwiches for lunch and what I told you I had for dinner.
4. You can't live without: SEX!!!
5. You do when you're bored: I read blogs over and over again. Even if there are no updates. I click on neveryone of them just to see if I missed an update.

4 Places You've Been Today
1. Bed
2. My parents house
3. Garage to play pool. Even that got boring. Whats wrong with me?
4. Kitchen to cook dinner

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now
1. beer
2. Web cam
3. Wireless mouse

2 Choices
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Cold. I can always put on more clothes to warm up. But there is only so much you can take off.

1 Place You Want to Visit
1. Anywhere but here!


O272 said...

Duck season? Wabbit season! (Bugs bunny? Remember that?)

And it's Reese Witherspoon. She's cute!

Confused Husband said...

Yes I know all about that. We bought the kids a 6 disk set of Looney Toons a few years ago for Xmas.

Thanks for Reese Witherspoon. It just completely slipped my mind. I was to lazy to walk to the dvd to read it either.