Monday, April 16, 2007

An interview with The INSTALLINATOR!

Last week I volunteered over at Restoring the covenant to have RS interview me. I thought it would be a good idea to let people know some things about me that maybe I haven't touched on very much. So here is how it went:

The Rules: Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me.” I respond by asking you five personal questions (I will leave these questions for you in my comments) so I can get to know you better.If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate! Then you update your blog with the answers to the questions (please don't leave your answers in my comments unless you don't have a blog). Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you ask them five questions.

1. What are the issues you have with organized religion? This one I have a hard time explaining. When I was little my parents lived with my grandma for about 2 years. During that time My grandma made my sister and I go to church with here every Sun. Whether we wanted to or not. It was part of the "rules" of living there. At the time it didn't matter to me. I wanted to make grandma happy so I went. When I was5 my goal in life was to become an alter boy when I got old enough. My grandma is Catholic as I think I previously mentioned in some older post. She is the type of person that don't miss church for any reason at all. She brings communion to the people in town that are not able to go to church for whatever reason. In the past 33 years of my life I can only think of 2 times she has missed church and both of them were in the past month. Once when she was in the hospital and the other time 2 weeks ago she was sick or something and didn't make it then either.

I know this is supposed to be about me not my grandma but bear with me.

So then my parents moved out of her house and we were no longer required to go to church. We lived out of her house for 6 years. Then my mom got accepted in UC Berkeley in 1986. So back to grandmas we move. By this time I'm almost 13. My dad said that it would be up to my sister and I if we wanted to attend church or not. we would no longer have to go if we didn't want to. So we didn't go. I just didn't have the desire to go.

So fast forward a few more years and I'm about 19. It is 1993. I'm heavy into drinking and drugs. I had gotten my GF pregnant and she had a "miscarriage". I was having a real hard time in my life. A friend of mine asked me to go to church with him on a Wed. night. I accepted his invitation and went with him. It was the first time that I attended a non Catholic church. It was also the first time I attended a church in the middle of the week and there really weren't many people there. He took me into his bible study group with his counselor (I can't remember exactly what he was so counselor is what I will call him). I liked it so I went back the following week. I ended up going every Wed. night for quite some time. It is there that I founded my views on religion. The counselor told me that God did not care where we (people) worship. He just cares that you accept Him in your life.

So that is pretty much where my religious beliefs lie at the present.

Now to the exact question. My "issue" with organized religion is that every religion says that they are right and all others are wrong. My Christian friend says my grandma is wrong because she is Catholic and don't worship the "proper" way. Therefore she won't go to heaven. My other friend a Witness says that the Witness's are the only ones going to heaven and everyone else is wrong because they celebrate birthdays and such. SR's pastor says that Catholics are wrong because they believe in purgatory and that praying for the dead will get them into heaven. My grandma says that Christians are wrong because they worship wrong.

Are you getting what me issues are yet? My issue is the belief that you must go to church every Sun. in order to be a true believer. Or that one religion is right and the rest are wrong. I don't think so. I believe that a person should go to where ever he feels closest to God. To some that may be a church. To others it could be the forest. Or the mountains. I feel closer in a natural environment not in a church built by people. I believe that as long as you believe that is what matters. Not what religion you choose.

Make sense?

2. What would your dream vacation entail? My dream vacation would be going on a cruise somewhere. Anywhere actually! Who am I kidding? My dream vacation would be to go to Canada in Sept. for about 2 weeks. Maybe 3. I'd spend the first week hunting early season ducks and geese with a guide. The second week would be on a back pack hunting trip for multiple species. Moose, bear, and caribou. It would actually be 10 days. 2 to walk in to the hunting location 6 to hunt and 2 to walk out. The last portion would be fishing for trout in lakes that the only way to access them is horseback or hiking. I would love to do a trip like that with my dad before he gets too old to do something like that.

Of course the trip he is taking in June is a close second. He's driving to Alaska for 6 weeks to go fishing. He is going to start fishing in Canada and fish a different lake every day for 4-5 weeks.

I know these trips don't include the kids. I want to do a trip like that as well. The hope is to go on a Disney cruise in the Caribbean in the next few years. Before youngest turns 12. that way we can have a mix of alone time for Summer and I mixed with plenty of family time for the 4 of us.

3. What is your favorite thing about being a parent? The best part of being a parent. Let's see here. The ability to take the things I love the most and instill them into my boys. Like hunting, and fishing, or anything outdoors. The way that anything that I like they instantly like as well. For instance one of my favorite movies- Airplane! My oldest son just about has that movie memorized. It really annoys Summer because she hates that movie. Or any movie of it's type. I love to work on my Toyota and get it ready to become a rock crawling beast. Both of my boys get excited about the prospect of taking my truck out when it is finally ready. They both love the same music that I do. Which is nice when oldest buys music from Itunes he gets songs I like too. :D

It's also fun to do "guy" things when Summer isn't around. Like belching and farting. And cracking up over it. Fun times.

4. Is there one biggest lesson you can share with us that you learned from your struggles with Summer a couple years ago? This is going to be a tough one. I learned so much going through that period in our lives. It's also hard because I have a hard time "searching deep down inside" to find my thoughts. If that makes any sense.

I would have to say that one of the bigger things that I learned is that I really need to think before I open my mouth. I had to install a filter between my thoughts and my mouth. That filter is still in the tuning mode but it has helped immensely. I learned that the things I say can hurt very deeply and for an extremely long period of time. I used to believe that if something was bothering me and I was mad about it I could go ahead and spew out all that anger and when I was done spewing everything would be hunky dory. It was better to let it all out than to hold it all in. To a point I still believe that. But there is a proper way to do it and a wrong way. I chose the wrong way. It still tries to rear it's ugly head from time to time. I just know what to look for now. I really need to be quick to catch it and put it under control.

I feel like I'm rambling and not making any sense here.

I guess what I really learned through most of this and not until recently (I knew it but thought I could change it) was that Summer has a completely different temperament than me. She isn't able to just let the things I say roll off her back and take it as venting. She would take it very personally. So I really need to be careful about what I say and how I say it so she understands what I'm upset about.

5. When did you get into hunting? Was that something you've done since you were little? I've been into hunting since I was about7 when we moved out of my grandmas house for the first time. We moved to Northern California about an hour outside of Redding. We lived off the land back then. We grew all of our own fruit and vegetables, raised our own chickens, and bought a cow and pig every year to have butchered. My dad got back into deer hunting when we moved up there. We went every year. Every weekend. He would wake me up very early in the mornings and we'd drive out into the woods and park. Then when the sun would just start to come up we'd get out of the truck and start walking. I was always amazed at the time at how my dad could walk into the woods for hours at a time and still be able to find the truck at lunch time. We hunted deer for the entire time we lived up there. Never got one but we went our every year. Then when we moved back to Grandmas I got my hunting license a couple years later. That was when my uncle took me out duck hunting for the first time. That was in 1988. That has been my true love ever since. There is just something about being in a duck blind before the sub comes up and witnessing the world come alive before your eyes. That my friends is where I feel the most spiritual. Witnessing creation in it's pure form.

Ever since that time I have changed my love for the outdoors. It used to be all about fishing and deer hunting. Now I'm really only into the deer hunting as a way to spend time with my dad. I still have never shot a deer. Although I missed one when I was 17. Now it's all about the ducks. I still like to fish but not like I used too.

So you could say that it was something that I have been into ever since I was little. Just like my oldest son. He went on his first deer hunting trip the day after he turned 6. Went on his first duck hunt a month later. Now he goes out with me every chance he gets. It's something that is in the blood.

I hope this all made sense. If not please ask and I will be more than happy to elaborate on anything you'd like. I'm an open book.


for a different kind of girl said...

You are essentially telling me that when I'm away, the boys are literally play. Nice.

Sadly, around here, the "boy farting" goes on primarily when I'm around. Apparently, my role is to serve as judge! This no doubt makes my life one of great joy and reward!

Recovering Soul said...

CH, let me ask a clarifying question around question 1. Does this mean that you don't believe there is an absolute truth out there? As long as everyone does what they want they are fine?

I'd like to do a cruise sometime as well. That is something we haven't really done. (I don't count a river cruise through Russia as a "cruise" per say, though it was a blast.)

I like teaching our son things as well, though I have to admit I am not much of the belching kind of guy myself. :)
The first thing I taught him was how to clap, and now whenever people clap he thinks it is for him even if it has nothing to do with him. I am afraid I gave him my big head already... sigh...

That is good advice for everyone on question 4. We all have things we have said we wish we could have taken back, or said differently. That caused a lot of consternation at the beginning of my relationship with Therese, though now she is a lot more understanding of how often my foot is in my mouth.

Just before I became a teenager I got my hunter safety license etc. and then I never went hunting. Still have never been hunting, unless you count the snake I had to take out with my paintball marker. :)

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


YOU'VE NEVER SHOT A DEER YET? I better shoot some pictures over to you and get you pumped up a bit.
I just might even have to work on that with you.

Great post buddy.


ArtfulDodger said...

Made perfect sense to me. We share a lot in common, not so much in how we grew up, but more in the conclusions we've reached.

My Father started taking me hunting with him when I was 5, poor man, I know I ruined his chances for many years! BUt we always had a great time together.

Confused Husband said...

fadkog Or whatever name you are going by these days. It's hard to keep up with all your nicknames. ;-) That is something I *try* not to have done when Summer is around. Although the kids love to blame all the bodily functions on her for some unknown reason.

RS Who knows for 100 percent dertainty what thr real truth is? There's a great number of people in the world that believe with all their hearts that Budha is where the real truth is. Or Ginesh. Just as some believe the truth lies in God and Jesus Christ. Every religion has it's own belief as to what the Truth is. Do I believe in a God? Maybe not in the same way as you or S.R. or XH, but I believe something is out there watching over us.

We were given the freedom to make our own choices in this life. By God himself. Along with that comes the the consequences of our choices that we make. (I know I'm not exactly answering your question here. I'm trying.) There are some people that don't believe in anything. Yet they live good lives, are productive members to society, do basicly everything that a Christian would do except go to church and believe. I see nothing wrong with what how they choose to live. So what is wrong with them doing whatever they want?

Who is the better person? The person that goes to church every Sun. believs in a higher Truth, and yet Mon. through Sat. smokes crack, deals drugs, molests kids etc. Or the person that don't believe in a higher Truth yet helps out community, gives of himself and his time to his fellow man because it is the right thing to do.

You see that is my problem with oprganized religion. The mentality that I can do what I want 6 days a week but I'm a better person than you because I go to church on Sun. and I'm a believer. The mentality that I'm right your wrong because of the religion we share is diffrent. Perfect example XH and your wife. Just look at their conversations in comments.

The God I believe in looks at more than just whether you go to church every week. He looks at how you live your life.

I also have a problem with people knocking on my door trying to convert me and tell me that they are right and I'm wrong.

Does this make more sense?

LBP I'll send you an email in response. I just might have to take you up on the offer of you working with me on the issue. :D

Art Have you ever thought about getting back into hunting? Does your dad still go? Maybe it would be a great way to connect with him and your son by going on a hunting trip together.

Recovering Soul said...

CH - I see and hear what you are saying, but it doesn't exactly answer my question. I'm not asking, right now, if you believe in one religion over another. I am merely asking if you believe there is one truth out there. One thing that is absolute. The flip side would be that there is no single truth, people can do what they want, and it all doesn't really matter. In a sense that seems to be what you are leaning towards though you also do believe in some sort of higher being.

I don't know if I am making myself clear. It appears, if people can do whatever they want and it doesn't matter, then there is no absolute truth the way you look at it. I don't want to put words in your mouth, that is just what it sounds like you are saying.

ArtfulDodger said...

CH - Funny you should say that, cause we are actually talking about just such a thing, maybe as soon as this fall.

Therese in Heaven said...

CH - first of all, I'm really sorry if XH's and my discussions sound really negative. Just try and understand, though, that we really are trying to help the other achieve salvation. We both feel very passionately about that. Maybe we aren't really helping in that, I can't say with any certainty, but that is our goal. He and I have an understanding about that, which isn't always apparent to the spectators.

I do agree with you, though, that going to church on Sunday is entirely irrelevant if you are not trying to live the Christian or even basic human values the rest of the week. Going to church in itself doesn't make one better than another. Faith should permeate your life, not just be a tallying up of how many Sundays you sat in a pew. Although the same faith should help you desire to spend that time praising and adoring the Lord.

One last thing: Catholics are Christians too. :)

FTN said...

"...God did not care where we (people) worship. He just cares that you accept Him in your life.

So that is pretty much where my religious beliefs lie at the present."

To a small extent, I think I agree with that statement. I think Jesus and the cross is a vital component of the "God" part, though. And I think a key part of "acceptance" is a willingness to follow him, to have a serious relationship with him. And yes, that means 7 days a week, definitely not just 1.

I can worship Jesus in a forest or on a mountain. But I think there is more to that worship, more to that relationship, than just feeling spiritual.

The God I believe in looks at more than just whether you go to church every week. He looks at how you live your life.

Great statement. I think God is VERY concerned with how we live our life, apart from going to church. The Bible also says, however, that we can't be saved by our works.

Don't let all of those people from your past mislead you into thinking that church = Christian. I'm sure you'll find plenty of people that don't have a relationship with God at my church. But just because that's true, it doesn't mean that everything is relative and our belief systems don't matter, in the grand scheme of things.

And it sucks that the fractured nature of the Christian church has had such a bad impression on you. The thing is, I'm certain that there are many Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists... Whatevers... that have relationships with Jesus and God. I don't fit into any of those sects. The name behind the denomination doesn't matter, it's the individual that matters. God's grace is an invitation to all of them.

Sorry I was a couple of days late to the discussion. And sorry this comment got so long...

Confused Husband said...

RS This is why I don't like talking about cetain things. Those certain things are religion and polotics. Both subjects have done nothing but cause pain and heartache every time I try to talk about them. Well not really polotics but I still don't talk about it.

I always end up feeling 2 things when I try to talk about religion.
1)I feel like I'm being backed into an unwanted corner. Kinda like I feel now. I'm just better at how I react when in said corner than I used to be.
2)I feel like I'm going to offend someone or hurt their feelings.

Now I neither want to offend or hurt your feelings. Although I'm sure that no matter what answer I give to you neither of those will happen. Trust me when I say I don't want to do either to you though because I respect you as a person and like you as a friend. But I'm looking out for more than your feelings here. I'm looking out for Summer's as well.

I will answer the question though. Do I believe in a God? Most of the time yes. Not all the time though. I'm kinda weird that way.

Do I believe in one single Truth? No. Never have.

Does that make me a bad person? I can't decide that.

I do believe that as long as a person is trying to live a good life then yes he/she should be able to do as they wish. With noi persecution from people on earth. It's not a persons place to do that. Period.

Is this a more straight forward answer that you were looking for?

So now a question for you from your previous comment to me. Why did you never go hunting? Did it just not interest you? Or was something else there that stopped you?

Art Good for you! Just know that I want details and pictures from your trip. I'm also interested in how your son likes the sport. Young people are the key to making the sport of hunting last. Otherwise the idiots will win and a way of life will dissapear.

Therese I know that what you and XH do are not meant to be done in a bad way. I was just using your back and forth talks as an example. What gets me is the we're right your wrong attitude I get way to often.

FTN No reason to apologize for being late. There is no time limit around here. :D nor is there a maximum set on how many words you are aloud to use in a comment.

I do belive that I have let past experiences determine how I feel today. But isn't it that way for most people about a lot of things? As I have said before my "problem" is that I focus too much on people when it comes to religion. I just can't seem to overcome that.

Recovering Soul said...

CH - Sorry if you felt backed into a corner, that wasn't my intention. But I don't think you can offend someone or hurt their feelings just by expressing your opinion, as long as it is done in a rational way (as you did here.) You certainly didn't hurt or offend me!

What you said about believing in God is interesting. I've always thought it was an all or nothing kind of thing, and never thought of it as a sometimes yes sometimes no type of thing.

The way I look at Truth is there is a right answer and a wrong answer, very few shades of grey. Even outside of God/religion, most moral things have a clear cut right and wrong based on our conscience. Should I kill someone? No, of course not. Should I drink to excess and go driving? Nope!

Very straightforward, thanks. I can respect your opinion even if mine differs.

As for hunting, well I simply never had the opportunity. My dad doesn't hunt, getting the license was more something I did on my own. And honestly, I'm more of a city boy. Therese will attest to that... sigh...
Nothing else stopped me. I own a pistol (not something I could hunt with) and wouldn't object to trying it out. I have no problem with guns because I believe in gun safety. I wish more people owned guns and took gun safety seriously.

Off my soapbox before I take that too far...

FTN said...


I'm definitely in the "absolute truth" camp, but I've found plenty of "grey" areas as of late. Not that many things aren't black and white, but everything isn't as cut and dry as I thought 5-10 years ago.

Should I kill someone?

What constitutes murder? I'd be willing to kill if I was defending my family. I belief in capital punishment. There are some wishy-washy areas there, for me.

Should I drink to excess and go driving?

What is "to excess"? Is it a blood-alcohol content of .08%? Or .10? And how do we know when we are there? One drink? Two drinks? Four? Am I okay if I'm at .05?

I could go on with other examples, but I'm just pointing out that while we have an overall notion of right and wrong, the devil is in the details (if you'll excuse the bad cliche).

Recovering Soul said...

There is a big difference between self defense and murder, so I should have clarified the word kill. If you kill someone in self defense, I wouldn't call that murder. Capital punishment doesn't seem like self defense to me, though I could see why some would argue that it is. To excess - is going to be different for everyone. What the state mandates isn't necessarily always in line with what is morally correct as we all know.

Yes, I agree that some things have gray areas (or is it grey?) but murder is murder. Self defense is self defense. Driving when we shouldn't is wrong - not because the state tells us it is, but because we shouldn't, in good conscience, do anything that could harm ourselves or others.

And I think fewer things have these shades of grey than we probably realize.