I have so many ideas when of things to write about when I am at work. I think about them all day long and just can't wait until I get home to put them into writing. Then suddenly I walk through the door at home and *poof* they're gone. All of my great ideas to post on just disappear. It's actually very frustrating. I get all my thoughts organized and then they just leave me. I still remember some of the topics but I can't remember how I was going to say it.
For instance I want to expand on my own a topic that has been going on over at
Reality and Redemption about kids and marriage. I think that one is more being "lost" because I'm afraid of how I may come across and the backlash for it.
I also want to talk about some of the issues that are sex related going through my head. But those are getting lost because of the guilty thoughts going in my head about those thoughts. I don't want it to come out like I am complaining about my sex life. That could not be farther from the truth. Plus there are to many other people of both sexes that are not getting the sex that they are craving from their loved ones. So how can I say what I want to say when at least I am having sex on a regular basis? I know I'm being cryptive here but I feel that I need to for the time being.
I also want to write about some of my experiences with my first girlfriend. Like how I lost my virginity to her the third day that we were together, in my car. Or some of the crazy shit that we/she used to do. I'm telling you she wouldn't care who was around to see what we were doing. If she was in the mood then she go for whatever it was that she wanted.
But here is a question for my female readers here. If your husband were to write about the acts that he used to do with his ex-girlfriend would that upset you? Or seem disrespectful of your dealings?
And lastly there is the situation that I find myself in at work. As you know I work for the state of Ca. and from the pics from my trip I'm sure you know which dept. I work for. But I guess that's not that important. The important thing is that we have a new employee on our crew now. She just transferred here from another yard. I can't stand working with her. I've known her for about 4 years now. She annoys the hell out of me. Every morning when I come to work she speaks out in a real shrill high pitched voice "Hi sweetie! Morning CH!" I'm sorry but I just am not a morning person. She is way to cheerful in the mornings. Then when we are stuck working out of the same vehicle together she is CONSTANTLY saying " I love you CH." UGH! It's non stop. I told her sorry but there are only 3 people in this world that I love- Summer, and my boys. There's just no room to love anyone else. Then she is always running to catch up to me and walk with her arm over my shoulder. Or come up to me and give me a hug. It really bothers me. Seriously. But I'm just to nice of a person to say anything. I don't want to say something that will hurt her feelings. And we won't talk about how she can't find a belt big enough to fit her so she uses a piece of rope instead.
So tonight I have been kicked into the garage. :-( Summer is doing a massage in the living room. I could have gone to the bedroom but I wanted access to the pool table. I'm SO glad that we bought the laptop. I got bored with pool so I started this post and am listening to the radio. I need to get a heater in here and put a TV with cable out here. Then I'd never have to leave except to use the restroom. I've got beer and a freezer to keep it in, food in the pantry, and chairs. All I really need is the TV. I could always put on a jacket. Just a little bit more carpet and the whole garage will be carpeted also. That will help keep it warmer. The garage door is insulated also.
While my SIL was here I did realize one of things that I truly miss about Summers mom not being with us still. Her cooking. She was an excellent cook. Especially her home made refried beans and tortillas. They were the best. Unfortunately that was something that Summer never learned from her mom. I love to eat refried beans on the side with a little cheese on top like they serve at the Mexican restaurants. But the canned beans don't taste good on their own. SIL made some beans for dinner on Sat. and they were really close to her moms but not the same. Although that was partially my fault. I took to long with the door and they got dried out a little bit. Now if only they could learn how to cook tortillas like their mom I'd be on cloud 9.
When Summer was in Utah last year I tried to get her to learn from her Stepmom how to make the beans. Unfortunately her stepmom don't speak English at all so that was a no go. Summer don't speak Spanish at all.
That actually made for an interesting day a few months ago when we went to visit her Aunt and Uncle for a few hours. Her Uncle wasn't home and her Aunt speaks very little English. So until he came home from work there really was very little talking. But OMG! Could her aunt cook too. She BBQ'd some Carne Asada steaks and grilled some onions and bell peppers. Then she had a "salad" that she made with a bunch of ingredients that I can't remember except Napoles (sp?). She then cooked the tortillas on the grill too and served homemade refried beans. We put everything on a tortilla and it was just excellent eating. MMM-MMMM good. I just love Mexican food. Except Taco Bell. I actually need to find someone that knows how to make sweet tamales. My friends grandma made some for me when I spent the night at their house. No one I have talked to since then even knows what I'm talking about. Am I crazy?
Well that's enough randomness for one night. Good night.