Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Getting really bad

I'm sorry to say this but I have become really terrible at updating this place. My new schedule is just throwing me for a loop. Don't get me wrong now. I LOVE my new shift. It's great. Except for the part about not seeing Summer and the kids as much as we would like. But you have to take the good with the bad I guess. It may be hard now but in the long run I believe it will be for the best.

For starters the new schedule has left me in a much better mood. Work is going smoothly and I don't have anyone micro managing me and watching my every move. I don't have to work with any of the annoying coworkers now. And my old supervisor is talking to me like an equal mow. Amazing what a promotion can do for you. The good thing about being in a better mood is that when I do see the family I'm in a great mood when I see them.

The down side is that there has been no time at all for Summer and I to get physical with each other. She had a visitor last week and it was really an unpleasant visit at that. Then yesterday she started back to work. So now I get home a little after midnight and she's dead asleep. She gets up at 5:30 to get ready for work and I'm dead asleep. I get up around 7:00 or so and try to help get the kids ready for school. The kids leave around 7:45 and she's out the door 10 minutes later. I go back to sleep for a few more hours, get up do whatever and leave for work at 3:15. She gets home from work a little after 4:00. So we don't have time to see each other, talk, or have fun time.

Truthfully I feel like my balls are going to explode at any moment now.


I may have to rethink this whole no masturbation thing.

The next time I possibly see any fun time in the future is maybe on Sat. night when she gets home from work and the kids are in bed. Oy-Ve'. I might forget what to do with everything by then.

Other than that things are going great! I'm happier. Summer is back to work so we once again have 2 incomes. It's finally raining again. I love my job and look foreword to going to work every day now.

It's good to be alive. :D


Anonymous said...

Good post CH, you'll get there soon enough.


for a different kind of girl said...

First, it's wonderful that your new job position has had such a positive impact on your outlook toward things. That's a tremendous gift. I know quite well how personalities can be impacted when you feel defeated, in a sense, from the part of your life you spend so much time at to provide for the other part you'd rather be with, your family.

Second, I hope you and Summer get the time soon to reconnect. Last year, my husband's job had him up and out the door before 5 a.m., which meant he often went to bed by 8 p.m., so even on the nights when I didn't go into work at the store, we weren't really spending time together because he wanted to focus on the kids, as well. And the weekends often were no better. He was often a zombie. It was insanely tough on us. His job changed,though, before we really had to address some bad aspects it was beginning to have on our marriage.

Of course, I'm not predicting doom and gloom, I'm just standing in the back and encouraging you two to find the time when you can and things will be wonderful all around!

cinnamon girl said...

Great to hear the job's going well.

Some research has been done which indicates that regular ejaculation could lower the risk of prostate cancer. If more studies are done and the results prove to be conclusive, would you consider taking up masturbation again?

Purely for the sake of your health, of course. :P

ArtfulDodger said...

Give it some time to settle CH, to get used to the new schedule. Although years ago I had to work those hours and it was tough, I'm sure you guys will find your way through it, especially since everything else seems so positive for you.

Anonymous said...

ouch. Those hours are tough. But I am sure that you liking your new shift, besides the blue balls part, and being happier will be good for your family.

You guys will just have to get more creative. Sex in the middle of the night or early morning. Set your alarm earlier once a week and wake her up with a surprise! A weekend getaway. An afternoon rendezvous somewhere.

Good luck!

Summer Rose said...

I'm up at 5:30 a.m. and do a workout before I get in the shower, that way my body is ready for any type of massage that is thrown at me. That way my stress level isn't going to get the best of me.