Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Don't call me honey.
Don't call me sweetie.
Don't sneak up behind me and rub my shoulders.
Don't sneak up on me and scratch my back.
Don't tell me about your kids' problems.
Don't tell me about your lack of sex in 5 years.
Don't ask me about my personal life.
Don't ask why I'm so happy.
Don't ask why I take so much time off of work.
Don't ask me how to so something the right way and then ignore everything I say.
Don't hug me.


Confused Husband said...

Very irritating co-worker. Just the sound of her voice makes me crings anymore. The sneaking up on me was a little too much today though. I need to find the courage to say something. But I'm to afraid of hurting someone elses feelings.

Anonymous said...

Good lord. You should flip out! I mean just turn around and scream all those things to her. That'll do it!

Anonymous said...

I was kidding. Don't do that. Don't you just wish once you could do something like that though?

Summer Rose said...

I have to agree with you there, I met her twice and I was half a wake half asleep. So the next day she asked Ch if I was jelous of her, he said no. She was just tired of course the rest of the crew had a good laugh over it.

I don't go to his work, very often only when ch gets up late and I take him his lunch. I ask if she is around first before I come by.

O272 said...

Come on over and I'll teach you the *don't f'ing talk to me unless I talk to you first* look. Probably won't help with this nutjob, but it's fun to use on those salesmen/women at The Gap!

April said...

A fuckin' co-worker does all this?

Sheesh...I would scream at 'em.

In fact...I think I have. ;-)

ArtfulDodger said...

ouch, that sounds horrible. good luck on the promotion btw since I missed commenting on the post below. :)

Confused Husband said...

whoami929 Yes I wish that I could do that so badly. But I'm just too nice deep down inside.

Summer You just had to bring up the jealousy comment didn't you.

o I do know that look. I shoot her that look all the time. everyone else that I work with sees the look and understands. But she don't.

April I wish I was able to scream at her. But I'd get fired for it. Zero tolerance for shit like that. Then again there is zero tolerance for sexual harassment also. I just am not ready to pull that card.

Art Thanks. All I need to do now is try to wait patiently for the results to be posted in 4-6 weeks.