Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I've been a bad Blogger

I've been having a hard time trying to get time to post anything on here lately. It's not for lack of things to say but rather a lack of time to say things in.

Things have been going so-so the last few weeks. I went to the psychiatrist appointment last week on Fri. Summer and I are finally starting to get over the colds that we had. But the biggest issue is our youngest son. As Summer posted in this post we put our youngest son on medication for ADD/ADHD. He is taking a med called Concerta (or Methylphenidate (yes it is a Methamphetamine)). The med seems to be doing it's job but it has been taking it's toll on Summer and myself. Neither of us wanted to put him on medication. So along with the meds we told the Dr. that we wanted more than that. So we are having him see a counselor starting next month. His Dr. is also setting us up with a specialist who deals with kids with ADD/ADHD.
His teachers are seeing an improvement in him at school and we are seeing an improvement in him at home as well. He don't throw as many tantrums as before and he listens better. But he don't want to sleep at night anymore now. We had finally gotten him out of our room for about 2 weeks. Then he went on the meds and right back he came. The sleeplessness comes from the meth in the med. We are asking that if anyone has experience with this medication or with ADD/ADHD please feel free to email me with any info you have.

So as I said in a comment over at Unsolicited Advice Summer is not taking the fact that youngest son is on meds. She keeps crying at night about it and asking what she has done wrong that our son needs to be on this medication. I really feel helpless right now with her. I hate to see her this way. There is nothing that she has done. She has been a great mom for our boys. For some reason some things just happen. It has nothing to do with what she has done. I really want to see her happy again. So in trying to do that I emailed my cousin last night that has the cabin in Tahoe we went to back in Aug. We're going to try and get the cabin again next month for a few days to just get away from reality for awhile. Maybe being up in the snow and away from the modern amentities will do us some good. No phones, no TV, no computer's, no traffic. The great getaway place.

I'm going to go ahead and end this here for now. Maybe later tonight I'll post about how my appointment went on Fri.


Confused Husband said...

Daddy's little girl thanks for the weel wishes!

Texas ivy, Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. We both appreciate it more than we can say. It's good to hear that it has worked for you for so long. I'll be checking your site out tonight.
Thanks again VERY MUCH!

O272 said...

No phones and no traffic sounds good. No TV and no computers sounds like torture! ;)

Has Summer thought about seeing a therapist? She always seems so sad and stressed out. :( Might help to talk to a 3rd party about how she's feeling and how to cope.

Confused Husband said...

-T, thank you very much for your input. It really helps to know that othwr kids are taking the meds and that it is working. The past few days have been rough again with his tantrums though. They have been happening again but not as frequently as before.
He hasn't said anything about stomach pains while taking the meds which is a good thing. Although the first time he took a pill ha said he can't take because if he did he would die. He just wanted to take a liquid medication. He seems to be getting used to the pills now though.

O272, I wish she would consider seeing somone. I'm hoping that if I go long enough on my own she will want to go in with me. But she keeps saying that she can't see a therapist because it "is not God's way."
We're still waiting on woprd from my cousin about the cabin. hopefully we will have our new laptop by then so I could at least check my email. But if not it will be good to get away from everything for a few days.