Monday, February 20, 2006

A little deeper insight into who I am

Well I'm going to go out on a limb here and really open myself up to you all. Digger over at Reality and Redemption has come up with an interesting topic today. So to start off with I'd like to quote part of his post.

"No, we haven't talked about it. Some of you would probably want to talk to the person who was sexually abusing you. But I suspect that most people who were victims of this would NOT want to talk about it with anyone. And an abuser would not want to talk about it either. It becomes a dirty little secret between the victim and the molester. Many of you have been victims of serious misuse."

This might take awhile to get out so bear with me. I'm going to take the round about way.

My therapist keeps asking me why I have all these negative thoughts about myself. Because I tell him that Summer deserves better than me. I always reply back that I have no clue as to why I do this. I'm always putting myself down.
Well after reading this exert from Digger's post something hit me. When I was around 10 or so my sister and I were molested by our cousin. My sister was 2 years younger than me. He was about 16 or 17 at the time. It actually went on for over a year. This same cousin was the ring bearer at my parents wedding. I won't go into detail about what he did to us. I don't think that is important to know about. Let's just say that it really effected us both. It's the main reason my sister turned to drugs and was on the harder drugs. She wanted to die.
Now here is the thing that touches on the post that Digger wrote. When he said "But I suspect that most people who were victims of this would NOT want to talk about it with anyone." That part rang so true to me. My sister and I finally told our parents about what had happened after I was out of high school. We never talked about it to even between the two of us. A few years ago I had the opportunity to confront this cousin at a funeral that we both attended. I was SO looking forward to seeing him and telling him off. But when the time came I chickened out. It was not because of where we were at, but because the old fears came rushing back.
My dad did not chicken out though. After the funeral we all went to a pizza place for pizza and LOTS of beer. On the way in my dad and cousin were the last ones to enter the place. Cousin held the door open for my dad and held out his hand to shake with my dad. My dad in return said "Don't offer to shake my hand. My wife and I know what you did to our kids. If you ever come near them or any of the family again we'll let the whole family know, and you'll be a dead man". Cousin closed the door and he has not been seen since then. That was 3.5 years ago.

So here is where the guilt comes in. At the time I never new what molestation was. We lived in a little Northern California town. The population was about 80 people. I had to ride the bus an hour each way just to get to school. So we didn't know what rape was, or gangs or any of that crap associated with living in the city. So by not knowing about it we never told anyone. The part that is even worse is that after he was done with me I was forced to watch him with my sister. So there is a lot of guilt tied up in that. I never did anything to stop him from hurting my sister. I was her older brother. The one that is supposed to be looking out for her. So that is where all of the self hating and low esteem comes from. I feel like I don't deserve to be loves by my wife because of my past. I guess we all have our scars.

That early experience in my life has also done other things to me as well. When I was just starting to notice my sexuality I thought that because of what happened and that I LET it happen that I was homosexual. So I had a few "experiences" in my early years. Although they were quite pleasing and fun they were not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Sometimes I do still wonder though.

So in closing I would like to be able to face my molester and had the chance to do so. But I really think that it is better that I did chicken out. With my temper it would have landed me in jail.


FTN said...

Gold star for honesty. Wow. That's a pretty awful thing that happened, I'm sorry to hear it. That's the second blog I've been on in two days where the writer was sexually abused as a child. To do that to a kid... I just don't understand. There are some really horrible people in the world.

I hope you've been able to talk about some of those issues with your therapist, because you are right. That kind of thing can really form your mindset later in life. I assume you've had these conversations with Summer?

Summer Rose said...

Yes ftn he has, but not as much as he just elaberated here. He knew of my past I won't say what happen to me as much has he has here. I'm just glad that he actually came out and wrote what had happen to him.

I did leave a comment on Digger about it.

Summer Rose said...

By the way dear I've read both of your post great writing, and yes I have noticed the changes you big bear! That's why I've said hi sexy or your so handsome! Is there anything else I can think of that's cute not really.

Just that I would rather you be there emotionally and not just physically yea yea I know I need to talk some more to you it's just hard times. Yes I feel the past yet in the present I see a diffent you. Maybe just maybe one of these days you will realize I can handle my buisness and my work because it is in THE LORDS HANDS!

I pray everyday that a new client will come in a also pray that things will work themselves out.
I hope this makes since.
Sincerly Yours

O272 said...

Good for you for seeking therapy, CH. Without it, I can't imagine where you'd be. I hope your therapist has made it abundantly clear that what happened to you and your sister was in NO way your fault.

Confused Husband said...

Thanks for the comments.
Although here's the thing. I haven't mentioned this to my therapist yet. As I said in a previous post he believes that I have trust issues and it takes me time to open up completely to other people.

And to be completely honest I just started to make that correlation in the last few days.

Summer I have noticed that you have started to say better things to me at home and that is a HUGE deal for me. Thank You I love you!

FTN, Both Summer and U have talked about the issue's of our past with each other. But like Summer says not as much in detail as I posted last night. There are still details about her that I don't know and things about me that she don't know.
This has given me more ideas to post about though.

Mermaid Girl said...


I am proud of your courage for articulating this particular demon. Until I started blogging I sat on the secret of my childhood abuse, it was only writing it all down and seeing the incredible amount of support I received that started me on the path to realising that it was not my fault - it never is the victims fault, although it is all too easy to fall in to that mindset.

You are a survivor CH, take credit for that and draw on the strength you have inside you. Although you may not believe it exists, you will find you actually have a large amount of it - you have had to, to make it this far.

All my support to you
Mermaid Girl

April said...

Oh, CH. Such bravery.

We may not want to talk about it with anyone but if we don't it festers inside and grows into something even uglier than it started. I, too, know from personal experience b/c I had an uncle that molested me when I ws 10. It can affect so many areas of your life, but only if you let it. You really do still have control of that.

Talking of it, writing of it, getting it out...those are things that will help...glad to see you doing them.

April said...

I wanted to tell you that this post inspired a post on my blog today. I thank you again for your openness in doing this.

Confused Husband said...

Wow! I wasn't expecting to have this many comments on this post. It does make me feel better to know that I'm not the only person that this has happened to. Even though I knew that before but the affirmation helps some times.
Thank you all for the support! It means the world to me.

Michael said...

I've been busy the last week so I'm just catching up. This is a powerful post. I can only imagine how hard it was to get that out, but it'll be good for you in the long run; one step on the road to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you and SR as you work through this. Take care of yourselves.


Helene said...

Wow... great blog... I am so impressed with how you described your feelings. I hope that you and your sister can find peace with it somehow. It just sucks that someone can do something to effect your life that way.

It is all too common and I wonder if he has had a pattern of abuse since....