Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well I did it again. Even though I told myself not to. I even promised myself last year that I wouldn't do it ever again. I told Summer for a few weeks that I wasn't going to do it.

Do what?

Get a Valentines present for her. After the debacle that was last year I was through.

Then the day got closer and closer. I realized that it was very petty and child like of me to act in that way. So I found a gift that was very romantic. i thought that this would be the perfect gift. If I were a woman this would be exactly what I would want from the man that loves me.

So I ordered her gift on Mon. Paid extra money to have guaranteed delivery for V-day. That's when the first problem hit. The dam storms back on the east coast delayed the delivery. So much for guaranteed delivery.

It did get here today though. It was delivered to my parents house so that she would not see it. I picked it up and made sure it was the right thing. Came home and presented it to Summer. As is usual for me when I have a gift for her I am excited and happy. Just for the fact that I have a gift for her to show my love. I LOVE to give gifts! She opens it and gets upset. Again! That's 2 years in a row that this has happened.

So why should I bother with giving gifts anymore? Seriously. Our anniversary is in a few weeks, and a few weeks after that is her birthday. But apparently I suck at giving gifts so why bother? Why continue to set myself up for failure and humiliation? All those people that blog about how much V-day sucks and is just for businesses to make money are right. Not even a card next year. I'm DONE!


Summer Rose said...
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O272 said...

Ouch! That's harsh. What did you give her?

Hey - happy belated birthday!!! Sorry I missed it! Hope it was a good one!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Forget any more presents. The REAL gift is in the effort. Even if you did a poor job choosing, you TRIED.

She wants a perfect gift, she should make a list.

Otherwise be gracious, say "Thank you", and if it's not the right thing ASK if you'd mind exchanging it. Assuming you didn't buy anything that was blatantly insulting, getting upset that a gift wasn't just what you wanted is pathetically childish.

Summer Rose said...

It was a book, based on us and my best friend was included too. Ch showed me the second page of the book. We were both listening to the same raido station and he got the idea, from there. I'm including the addy of where to get this book which I've got to find time to read. Book by you Starring the both of us, now if I had been more intune on what the book was about, I'm sure this post would have come differently. Even though I don't tell every one I've always been hooked, lined and sinkered for romance novels.

In fact I have whole container full of romance novels, some I would like to re-read all over again. Just for the hell of it.

Summer Rose said...

And about ten more, romance books on a book shelf in the living room. Ch is always saying if one more book yada, yada. Oh well I've at got three more in mind to pick up.

Oh and that's not including, the books from my bible study classes either.

Rob said...

Well dude, I guess after reading about your gift giving experiences, I can see why you refer to yourself in your blog as "confused" husband. Hell, I'd be just as confooosed if it had been me too! But I guess that's a wife's job - to keep all us poor guys that way! lol

Recovering Soul said...

I am a horrible gift giver. It caused a lot of tension for us at first, but I keep trying and Therese has made an effort on her end as well. There are still stressful times, but don't give up!

One thing that has helped is that Therese started keeping an ongoing wish list of things she runs across. If I run out of ideas, I can refer to the list...

Desmond Jones said...

CH - dude, here's what you need to do. Go about 5 years w/ no gifts, just to kill the expectation that you're gonna get her one. Then, you can just get her something, anything, on the spur of the moment, just to say, "I'm thinking of you". And the beauty of it is, that, if you do that about once in every 3-5 years, you keep the expectation-level down.

This year, I got Molly a bag of 'Turtles' (her favorite candy), and a bottle of champagne to 'help us get to sleep'. And it went off perfectly (and so did she!) (me, too, FWIW)

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya, buddy. I'm on Valentine's strike.