Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm Tired!!!

It is now 5:40 in the AM hours. I've been home for an hour now but can't go to bed. In 20 minutee I need to get in the shower so that Summer and I can go to the Dr. for her surgery consultation. I've been awake since noon yesterday, and don't have a clue as to when I will be going to bed. The past two weeks have been llllllooooooonnnnngggggggggg!I'm dead tire right now. The only thing that has been keeping me going is 1 litre of Mountain Dew, cnady bars, Red Bull, and Full Throttle. Those are nightly by the way. don't get me started on driving home in the mornings either. Those have been pleasant to say the least. The other morning I drove 30+ miles from the job site back to my yard. You know what? I don't remember one second of that drive. I remeber getting in the yard wondering how the hell I got there. That's scary to say the least.

The contractors that we have working for us hauling away the ground up asphalt are an exercise in patience to say the least. I truly have no clue how the hell some of these people get a commercial drivers license. First of all we have 5 drivers contracted out for us and not a one speaks English. They all speak Arab or something like that. Secondly the can't back up a 53 foot trailer to save their lives. Now I know what your all thinking here- Well CH I can't back up a 53 foot trailer to save my life either. That may be true. But are you licensed to drive a trailer like that commecialy where you need to show the ability to do so? I didn't think so. These people do. And they can't do it. Thirdly one of these yahoos didn't even know how to release the air brakes for his trailer. So he held up the job for 15 minutes while he tried to find the "air leak". One of our guys got in the truck and releaqsed the air brakes for the trailer and it worked fine. So we wonder - How did this yahoo even get to the jobsite if he can't release the brakes? Lastly 3 of these yahoos stopped in a live lane of traffic on interstae 80. And sat there for 5 minutes almost causing who knows how many possible accidents tht would have train reacted for quite awhile. Yes they stopped dead stop in an open lane of traffic! And proceeded to get out of their trucks. These are the people that are driving 80,000 pounds of deadly steel on YOUR roadways. This people is why speaking English FLUENTLY should be a requirement to become a US citizen. And why there should be a crackdown on Illegal Aliens. Come here the right way and earn it. At least that way when you hold up my job and piss me off you'll understand me as I'm calling you every name in the book because you have no right to be behind the wheel of a Honda let alone an 18 wheeler.

I'm just too dam tired and feel that I have vented enough. Besides it's after 6 now and SR and I need to take a shower. Here is a pic of me in my work duds for your viewing pleasure.

**EDIT** Blogger is being a bitch at the moment and not loading my picture. Sorry. I'll try to post the pic this afternoon when we get back from the docs.


The girl-next-door said...

CH - I've been sleep deprieved, pumped full of sugar, and had my patience pushed over edge in the past too...I hope you get to rest soon. I'm sure it means a lot to SR that you're going with her to the doctor (especially in the state you're in)...I hope everything goes well.

O272 said...

You don't remember how you got home and I should worry about people driving that don't speak English? Kettle, black? ;)

Rob said...

"Besides it's after 6 now and SR and I need to take a shower."

Double bathtub ring ceremony again, eh CH? It's good to see that you guys are saving on water there! (evil grin)

Confused Husband said...

GND Yes she did appreciate me going with her. Even though she did begin to wonder about me when the sleep deprivity kicked in and I was acting really funny.

O Leave it to you to be! And no I'm not a pot calling the kettle black. You see I'm one of those fancy silver chrome colored pots that are shiny and PERFECT! :D

rob We try to conserve water as often as possible.:D How else are we to get our backs clean?

BH Thanks! the appointment went well. Should have a date for surgery in a few weeks.