Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well as suspected last nights post didn't go over to well. It was taken compeltely out of context. which further solidifies to me why I need to censor myself on what I fell, think, and write about on my little tiny niche in the blogoshere. I must continue to just keep things inside and that way it won't be taken out of context. If it don't get written then no one knows about it but me. I've lived my life for over 30 years that way. Why stop living it now?


Phyllis Renée said...

This kind of goes along with the discussion we've been having over at my place. But writing, for me, is all about sorting things out in my head, getting my thoughts and feelings out there where I can see them and deal with them. Even if they're misunderstood by others, it can open up opportunities for communication.

Trueself said...

I think you will be doing yourself a huge disservice if you try to censor yourself for anyone. Your thoughts are your thoughts. That's all, just thoughts. Better to vent them here than in some other ways that I can think of.

Just my 2 cents. . .

for a different kind of girl said...

Nothing to add that hasn't been said, but I'll be thinking of you, Summer and the boys as this next step gets taken...