Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Did I forget to mention in my previous post that I finally got that promotion?

I did?

Sorry. Well I finally got the promotion at work and it was official Last week on the 17th. That's good news #1. Good news #2 is that we got a second person to do my job. That means that the position that has been empty for 2 years is now full. The good thing about that is that I am no longer stuck on the 3:30 to midnight shift. Beginning sometime in May after the new guy is trained I will move back to the day shift for 2 months. Then we will be on a 2 month rotation. That way we will keep up to date on how to do the full aspect of the job and not just the paperwork portion. It also means that I won't be burnt out anymore and will be able to spend some much needed time with my family in the evenings.



for a different kind of girl said...

Congrats on the promotion! That time with your family will be lovely to have back!

Zeno said...

Congratulations on the good news! It's about time. Looking forward to posts about your enjoying the family time.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been by in a while but I'm glad I could make it to say congrats on the promotion. I hope this helps things around the house, maybe you can get in some more time for hunting.


Nik said...

Congrats on getting a promotion.